Monday, 16 March 2009

I want a pretty blog too

Welcome to my new blog! My old blog was a bit dull, it covered everything, I shared it with Adam, and was exceedingly lazy about updating it. Recently I've been getting craft blog envy looking at friends' blogs, so I thought it was time to be a proper blogger, and have a pretty blog of my own, dedicated to papercrafting.

So, here it is. Nothing bespoke yet, but my first challenge is to make updating my blog regularly a habit. Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Amanda! Your blog is looking great!

  2. Hi Amanda! As promised I've managed to get on here and it looks great!!! I love the background and its very pretty indeed so you can put your blog envy to bed. If you want a banner you can get those on the cutest blog too!!! I'll pop a link on my blog for you too and put myself on as a follower. Looking forward to staying in touch more often!!! See you soon, Love Becky xxx
